Very sad to share that the Gin Palace Productions and Twilight Theatre co-production of “Loyalty – Lady Montague and Lady Capulet” at this year’s Fringe has had to be postponed. Really heart-breaking, but unavoidable. These things sadly happen. We’re currently planning and plotting and looking at our already busy schedules for the coming year to bring it later this year.
In the meantime, why not book your tickets for Identity Theatre’s “Oliver Twist” adapted by Neil Bartlett? I play – drum roll please – Mr Bumble! I’m super thrilled and excited and I can’t wait. Plus it will be at Brighton Open Air Theatre so you can have a picnic at the same time. Get booking now – I’m told tickets are already going… click here for link to book

More reviews this week at the Fringe – my absolute favourite was Karaoke at the SU. Absolutely BRILLIANT. Honestly blown away by this young – just graduated – group of creatives. Here’s the link to the review on Brighton Source.
I did see 5 shows in two days and that was enormous fun: One Way Mirror, FOUL, That Witch Helen and RANK. All completely different and in the first one in that list I ended up being on stage being in it. That was an interesting challenge!
It takes an enormous amount of work and courage to put on your own production: to everyone who has and everyone is about to – massive well done, good for you, you follow your dreams. And if there is something in a review that you can learn from: please listen to that – if the reviewer is anything like me they will have thought long and hard about how to put feedback in a way that helps you for the future.
Tomorrow: 2 productions, Friday 1, Saturday 1, Sunday all day theatre event. Ah life. Always interesting!