Reviews reviews reviews

After watching and reviewing over 20 shows in the Brighton Fringe Festival, you’d think I’d want a little rest. Absolutely not. You can never have too much theatre.

Went to Worthing to see “A Different Song” as part of the Worthing Festival, with all three performers from Brighton. Really enjoyed it. Brighton Source review here.

Back at the Theatre!

Actually saw a couple of shows last week. Both were at the Lantern Theatre and so interesting. The first one – not having been out in ages, I just wanted to enjoy it. The second: “Duty”, was so good, I wanted to write about it.

Written by Bomafabia Wokoma, directed by Laura Rinati, Bomafabia Wokoma and Lenette Randall, and Produced by “A Little Twisted”. Here’s my review on Broadway Baby – enjoy!